All About Mixing That Icing | Sweet Jenny Belle - easy sugar cookie decorating, dessert recipe and fun cupcake recipes

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All About Mixing That Icing

This past week I ordered a number of new cookie cutters from The Cookie Cutter Kingdom. I'm so excited and there are so many new sets in the works. I love them all, but I absolutely had to play with the icing bag and Kitchen Aid mixer cutters first. I spend just about every day mixing icing and it was fun to decorate these.

It dawned me that it would be amazing if Kitchen Aid created polka dot bowls - I mean really, how adorable would that be? Until they listen to my pleas, I can create them on cookies. What is your favorite polka dot color combination? I think I may have to ice some with other patterns on the bowl.

Materials you will need:
  1. Red flood icing
  2. White flood icing
  3. Grey flood icing.

I used tipless piping bags for all of the icings. The polka dots are created with the wet-on-wet technique. Want a visual of how I created them? Click on the video below for a fun video.

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    1. It's the same recipe - I use a spray gun of water. I do a couple squirts and gently stir for a bit, then test it. I like what is called "10 second" consistency. So basically I pull the icing back with a knife, it should melt back together in the time of 10 seconds. Hope that helps!

  2. This original performances entirely ideal. Each of small info have decided with the aid of great number regarding knowledge sensible information. Now i'm enthusiastic that once more quite definitely. mixing bowl sets


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